Balanced Scorecard allows a nonprofit to demonstrate results, accountability, and attract scarce resources.

Balanced Scorecard allows a nonprofit to demonstrate results, accountability, and attract scarce resources.
Overcome the enormous challenges that organizations face when mergers happen.
The diagram provides a connected view of strategic and tactical and points to the scope of performance measurement.
The diagram identifies and defines the key elements necessary for successfully realizing the goals of CPM.
The foremost measure is value created for shareholders. Understand the need for a Financial Perspective in a Balanced Scorecard.
Provide superior customer expectations and succeed at performance management by meeting the needs of customers.
The Deming’s 14 points covers the key aspects of performance management and serves as a basis for transformation of industry.
The focus of performance management shifts from the “what” to the “how” of value creation making the internal process critical.
Build a strong foundation for excellence in performance, ensuring success by focusing on the need for a Learning and Growth Perspective.